A Journey Through Learning is a special needs sponsor at the 2014 Special Needs Struggling Learner Homeschool Conference (November 21-22) hosted by the Florida Parent-Educators Association (FPEA). Nancy Fileccia's homeschooling with special needs journey is featured on the FPEA blog. We would like to invite you to read and be encouraged in your own journey! A Journey Through Learning - Nancy Fileccia | fpea.com

A Journey Through Learning is a special needs sponsor at the 2014 Special Needs Struggling Learner Homeschool Conference (November 21-22) hosted by the Florida Parent-Educators Association (FPEA). Nancy Fileccia's homeschooling with special needs journey is featured on the FPEA blog. We would like to invite you to read and be encouraged in your own journey! A Journey Through Learning - Nancy Fileccia | fpea.com

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