Is It Bad to Check Your Credit Score - Credit Mantri
If you have been regularly borrowing credit, the first discipline that you must inculcate as part of good credit behaviour is regularly checking your credit score. Are you having questions in your mind like ‘Is it bad to check your credit score’ or ‘will checking your credit score lower it’?
Well, you’re not alone in having these questions when it comes to credit. Do you believe in the myth that checking your credit will negatively affect your credit score? Worry not, as we will help you demystify some common doubts about checking credit score.

To know more about the importance of checking credit score

Is It Bad to Check Your Credit Score - Credit Mantri

If you have been regularly borrowing credit, the first discipline that you must inculcate as part of good credit behaviour is regularly checking your credit score. Are you having questions in your mind like ‘Is it bad to check your credit score’ or ‘will checking your credit score lower it’?
Well, you’re not alone in having these questions when it comes to credit. Do you believe in the myth that checking your credit will negatively affect your credit score? Worry not, as we will help you demystify some common doubts about checking credit score.

To know more about the importance of checking credit score

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