Ultra high temperature, also known as UHT, in which milk is ultra-pasteurized and packaged in sterilized containers. It’s natural milk, just like you purchase at the dairy store; however, the unique packaging and pasteurization process makes it have a shelf-life of some months. While most milk goes through a standard pasteurization process, UHT milk goes through ultra high temperature pasteurization, which safely heats the milk to a higher-than-usual temperature and kills the milk’s harmful bacteria. It is then packed in sterilized containers, also called aseptic packaging, which keeps the milk fresher for longer.

Ultra high temperature, also known as UHT, in which milk is ultra-pasteurized and packaged in sterilized containers. It’s natural milk, just like you purchase at the dairy store; however, the unique packaging and pasteurization process makes it have a shelf-life of some months. While most milk goes through a standard pasteurization process, UHT milk goes through ultra high temperature pasteurization, which safely heats the milk to a higher-than-usual temperature and kills the milk’s harmful bacteria. It is then packed in sterilized containers, also called aseptic packaging, which keeps the milk fresher for longer.

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