I’m slightly obsessed with organization, structure, and ‘having a plan’. Which can be a bad thing at times (you need to leave space at times). However, one thing that's true on a week-to-week basis is how I see teams not well organized or operating to any form of structure. Marketing teams can be particularly guilty of this which manifests itself in the treadmill of ‘lots of doing’ without much understanding of the broader outputs. Read this blog to learn about "How Do You Effectively Organise A Marketing Team?"

I’m slightly obsessed with organization, structure, and ‘having a plan’. Which can be a bad thing at times (you need to leave space at times). However, one thing that's true on a week-to-week basis is how I see teams not well organized or operating to any form of structure. Marketing teams can be particularly guilty of this which manifests itself in the treadmill of ‘lots of doing’ without much understanding of the broader outputs. Read this blog to learn about "How Do You Effectively Organise A Marketing Team?"

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