Women have a tendency to buy a new accessory, outfit, or pair of shoes for every conceivable event or condition. Men, however, tend to purchase only what they want and need and place a premium on function and versatility. On the other hand, even the thriftiest man knows that he should sometimes get something new that is right for a specific occasion.
This is especially true in terms of wristwatches. Luckily, League of Microbrands makes a watch for any event where a man finds himself in attendance. 

Women have a tendency to buy a new accessory, outfit, or pair of shoes for every conceivable event or condition. Men, however, tend to purchase only what they want and need and place a premium on function and versatility. On the other hand, even the thriftiest man knows that he should sometimes get something new that is right for a specific occasion.
This is especially true in terms of wristwatches. Luckily, League of Microbrands makes a watch for any event where a man finds himself in attendance.

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