The PRISMA 2020 declaration was created with systematic reviews of studies that evaluate the impact of health treatments in mind, regardless of the study type. The checklist items, on the other hand, may be included in reports of Clinical Trial Systematic Review Services assessing various treatments (such as social or educational interventions), and many of them can be used in systematic reviews with goals other than evaluating interventions (such as evaluating aetiology, prevalence, or prognosis).

The PRISMA 2020 declaration was created with systematic reviews of studies that evaluate the impact of health treatments in mind, regardless of the study type. The checklist items, on the other hand, may be included in reports of Clinical Trial Systematic Review Services assessing various treatments (such as social or educational interventions), and many of them can be used in systematic reviews with goals other than evaluating interventions (such as evaluating aetiology, prevalence, or prognosis).

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