We are already starting to see that governments around the globe, including ours in the UK are penalising users of fossil fuels with higher costs & more legislation, which is a movement that is gathering momentum and showing no signs of stopping, we will cover more on this below. On the contrary there are incentives through the forms of grants and tax relief to help people change over to air source heating, there are also other forms of non fossil fuel heating such as electric radiators, and electric boilers but these have much lower efficiency than an air source heat pump and that is the reason why air source heat pumps will soon become as popular as what the traditional gas boiler has been for the last 20 years.

We are already starting to see that governments around the globe, including ours in the UK are penalising users of fossil fuels with higher costs & more legislation, which is a movement that is gathering momentum and showing no signs of stopping, we will cover more on this below. On the contrary there are incentives through the forms of grants and tax relief to help people change over to air source heating, there are also other forms of non fossil fuel heating such as electric radiators, and electric boilers but these have much lower efficiency than an air source heat pump and that is the reason why air source heat pumps will soon become as popular as what the traditional gas boiler has been for the last 20 years.

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