What Is PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition characterized by:
Fear-based symptoms
Re-experiencing the stressful event
Emotional and behavioral symptoms

Individuals experience PTSD differently. Some people may lose interest in things they used to enjoy and experience depression symptoms, while others may experience more dissociative symptoms. It is common to experience negative thoughts with PTSD and to make deliberate efforts to avoid thoughts, memories, and feelings related to the traumatic event.

What Are the PTSD Causes and Risk Factors?
PTSD is not only experienced after a war, although veterans do have a high risk of developing PTSD. PTSD can occur after any type of physical or emotional trauma. 

Events that can cause PTSD include:
Actual or threatened physical abuse
Emotional abuse
Childhood abuse
Sexual abuse
Terrorist attack
Car accidents
Domestic violence
Life-threatening illness

PTSD can be diagnosed whether you are having symptoms from your own experience or have been indirectly exposed to the traumatic event.

How Common Is PTSD?
It is estimated that 7-8% of the population will experience PTSD symptoms at some time in their life. People who have been in the military, have experienced sexual violence, or have been through multiple traumatic events are highly likely to experience PTSD symptoms. However, child abuse, neglect, bullying, and any stressful life event can result in PTSD. 

Read more: https://www.traumatherapywpb.com/conditions/ptsd/

What Is PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition characterized by:
Fear-based symptoms
Re-experiencing the stressful event
Emotional and behavioral symptoms

Individuals experience PTSD differently. Some people may lose interest in things they used to enjoy and experience depression symptoms, while others may experience more dissociative symptoms. It is common to experience negative thoughts with PTSD and to make deliberate efforts to avoid thoughts, memories, and feelings related to the traumatic event.

What Are the PTSD Causes and Risk Factors?
PTSD is not only experienced after a war, although veterans do have a high risk of developing PTSD. PTSD can occur after any type of physical or emotional trauma.

Events that can cause PTSD include:
Actual or threatened physical abuse
Emotional abuse
Childhood abuse
Sexual abuse
Terrorist attack
Car accidents
Domestic violence
Life-threatening illness

PTSD can be diagnosed whether you are having symptoms from your own experience or have been indirectly exposed to the traumatic event.

How Common Is PTSD?
It is estimated that 7-8% of the population will experience PTSD symptoms at some time in their life. People who have been in the military, have experienced sexual violence, or have been through multiple traumatic events are highly likely to experience PTSD symptoms. However, child abuse, neglect, bullying, and any stressful life event can result in PTSD.

Read more: https://www.traumatherapywpb.com/conditions/ptsd/

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