To fully realize the potential of EdTech, it is imperative for educators, students, and legislators to embrace the possibilities it offers. Educators need to adapt to new teaching methodologies, leveraging technology to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. Students, in turn, must cultivate digital literacy skills, preparing themselves for a future where technology plays an integral role in every aspect of life. Policymakers have the responsibility to create an enabling environment that supports the integration of EdTech into mainstream education, ensuring equitable access and fostering innovation.

To fully realize the potential of EdTech, it is imperative for educators, students, and legislators to embrace the possibilities it offers. Educators need to adapt to new teaching methodologies, leveraging technology to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. Students, in turn, must cultivate digital literacy skills, preparing themselves for a future where technology plays an integral role in every aspect of life. Policymakers have the responsibility to create an enabling environment that supports the integration of EdTech into mainstream education, ensuring equitable access and fostering innovation.

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