Enrich Your Child's Education Through Our Faith-Based Teachings!

Trinity Academy strives for a secular state guaranteeing human rights, with no privilege or discrimination on grounds of faith or belief, and so we campaign against faith schools, and for an inclusive, nonreligious academy system, where kids and young people of all different backgrounds and beliefs can learn with and from each other. We challenge faith-based schools in Raleigh admissions, employment, and curriculum policies, as well as the privileged processes by which new academies continue to open.

Enrich Your Child's Education Through Our Faith-Based Teachings!

Trinity Academy strives for a secular state guaranteeing human rights, with no privilege or discrimination on grounds of faith or belief, and so we campaign against faith schools, and for an inclusive, nonreligious academy system, where kids and young people of all different backgrounds and beliefs can learn with and from each other. We challenge faith-based schools in Raleigh admissions, employment, and curriculum policies, as well as the privileged processes by which new academies continue to open.

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