Touraine Sauvignon has long provided an affordable yet authentic and stylish everyday alternative to the Loire's most famous name wines, a description that certainly fits the wines of Patrick Vauvy. He took over his family's estate in 1985, scrutinised every stage of production in the vineyard and cellar, and now makes some of the best wines for miles around, as evidenced by this 2014. In the vineyard, he is lucky to have up to a metre of silty top soil on a bed of chalk and clay, which ensures excellent drainage and good concentration in the fruit. Vinified in Patrick's beautifully clean, modern and air conditioned cellar, the wine is deliciously fresh. Serve chilled with asparagus, pan-fried fish or various goat's cheese inspired dishes.

Touraine Sauvignon has long provided an affordable yet authentic and stylish everyday alternative to the Loire's most famous name wines, a description that certainly fits the wines of Patrick Vauvy. He took over his family's estate in 1985, scrutinised every stage of production in the vineyard and cellar, and now makes some of the best wines for miles around, as evidenced by this 2014. In the vineyard, he is lucky to have up to a metre of silty top soil on a bed of chalk and clay, which ensures excellent drainage and good concentration in the fruit. Vinified in Patrick's beautifully clean, modern and air conditioned cellar, the wine is deliciously fresh. Serve chilled with asparagus, pan-fried fish or various goat's cheese inspired dishes.

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