BRILLIANT way to get more pets adopted out to new homes!! When Their Sad Ads Stopped Working, One Animal Shelter Tried Out A New Idea. It Saved 5,000 Dogs. "The Human Walking Program" by Jake Barrow, was created at a shelter in Melbourne, Australia. They brought the dogs to the city, and encouraged office workers to get out of their offices for a break, and walk the dogs. It made everybody feel good, and ended up finding homes for 5,000 dogs!

BRILLIANT way to get more pets adopted out to new homes!! When Their Sad Ads Stopped Working, One Animal Shelter Tried Out A New Idea. It Saved 5,000 Dogs. "The Human Walking Program" by Jake Barrow, was created at a shelter in Melbourne, Australia. They brought the dogs to the city, and encouraged office workers to get out of their offices for a break, and walk the dogs. It made everybody feel good, and ended up finding homes for 5,000 dogs!

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