Maybe you never thought about this—I know I never did— but the hedgehog has been around in some form or other since the time of the dinosaurs. How on earth did they survive? I mean, if the sabre-toothed tiger couldn’t hang on, how could a tiny hedgehog?        Hedgehogs are another British lovely, not only because we don’t have them here in the states, but because they’re so darn cute and prickly at the same time.     What’s not to love in a small, round, cuddly creature that spits on herself...

Maybe you never thought about this—I know I never did— but the hedgehog has been around in some form or other since the time of the dinosaurs. How on earth did they survive? I mean, if the sabre-toothed tiger couldn’t hang on, how could a tiny hedgehog? Hedgehogs are another British lovely, not only because we don’t have them here in the states, but because they’re so darn cute and prickly at the same time. What’s not to love in a small, round, cuddly creature that spits on herself...

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