Tips for breaking the news that you're homeschooling to friends and family.  (As they reached high school, I had to re-explain why we were STILL homeschooling... But by then I really didn't care what others thought, so it didn't bother me much.)  They're YOUR kids. YOU make the choice that is best for THEM & then follow up to make sure you do the best possible job at it.  And yes, homeschooled kids do great in college & in "real life"....

Tips for breaking the news that you're homeschooling to friends and family. (As they reached high school, I had to re-explain why we were STILL homeschooling... But by then I really didn't care what others thought, so it didn't bother me much.) They're YOUR kids. YOU make the choice that is best for THEM & then follow up to make sure you do the best possible job at it. And yes, homeschooled kids do great in college & in "real life"....

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