SECRETS of LONGEVITY LIFESTYLE: Having OXYGEN PRODUCING Plants in your home BENEFITS U in IMPROVEMENT of AIR QUALITY in your home. Top 3 OXYGEN PRODUCING Plants: 1) Sprouts 2) Snake Plant aka Mother-In-Law's Tongue 3) Areca Palm. Top 3 AIR CLEANING Plants: 1) Madagascar Dragon Tree aka Red Edged Dracaena 2) Warneck Dracaena 3) Peace Lily are air cleaning plants, clean air plants, oxygen producing plants +/or air purifying plants

SECRETS of LONGEVITY LIFESTYLE: Having OXYGEN PRODUCING Plants in your home BENEFITS U in IMPROVEMENT of AIR QUALITY in your home. Top 3 OXYGEN PRODUCING Plants: 1) Sprouts 2) Snake Plant aka Mother-In-Law's Tongue 3) Areca Palm. Top 3 AIR CLEANING Plants: 1) Madagascar Dragon Tree aka Red Edged Dracaena 2) Warneck Dracaena 3) Peace Lily are air cleaning plants, clean air plants, oxygen producing plants +/or air purifying plants

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