Super Poppy, 'Medallion' I purchased this back in 2011 or so & not sure if it bloomed, or at this point, if it has even survived the neglect for going on nearly a year now. Hopefully, I can have someone obtain it, from the family residence, prior to being sold... Otherwise, I may have to wait until December before I can retrieve it myself, unlesss a Judge dissolves an an order, before then.

Super Poppy, 'Medallion' I purchased this back in 2011 or so & not sure if it bloomed, or at this point, if it has even survived the neglect for going on nearly a year now. Hopefully, I can have someone obtain it, from the family residence, prior to being sold... Otherwise, I may have to wait until December before I can retrieve it myself, unlesss a Judge dissolves an an order, before then.

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