This is THE BEST guide to wearing high heels!  I NEVER wear heels (wedges, sometimes, but I'm a barefoot/ flip flops kind of girl).  I had a tall date to a wedding and wanted to wear higher shoes to keep up.  The best tips from this guide are to get your shoes 1/2 size bigger and get the Dr. Scholl's inserts.  I lasted in platform 3 1/2 inch heels ALL DAY. 9 ways to make your heels more comfortable

This is THE BEST guide to wearing high heels! I NEVER wear heels (wedges, sometimes, but I'm a barefoot/ flip flops kind of girl). I had a tall date to a wedding and wanted to wear higher shoes to keep up. The best tips from this guide are to get your shoes 1/2 size bigger and get the Dr. Scholl's inserts. I lasted in platform 3 1/2 inch heels ALL DAY. 9 ways to make your heels more comfortable

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