my dance teacher used to make us do this! Exercise for the Transversus Abdominis  (AKA the muscle that pulls in the ring of your waist) One area of your abs you may be neglecting is the transversus abdominus - without working it, you run the risk of developing a square torso (straight up and down) rather than an hourglass one (tapered at the waist). Here’s what you can do along with your usual ab workout:  Get on all fours, back straight, looking down. Exhale completely, then hold your breath. Pull your belly toward your spine (“suck in”) as hard as possible for 10 seconds, while continuing to hold your breath. Inhale. Take a few breaths, then repeat 10 times.

my dance teacher used to make us do this! Exercise for the Transversus Abdominis (AKA the muscle that pulls in the ring of your waist) One area of your abs you may be neglecting is the transversus abdominus - without working it, you run the risk of developing a square torso (straight up and down) rather than an hourglass one (tapered at the waist). Here’s what you can do along with your usual ab workout: Get on all fours, back straight, looking down. Exhale completely, then hold your breath. Pull your belly toward your spine (“suck in”) as hard as possible for 10 seconds, while continuing to hold your breath. Inhale. Take a few breaths, then repeat 10 times.

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