$ 5 The Ice Hotel Wedding Test by Charmaine PaulsJess and Derrick have been together for twelve years. When Jess finally gives Derrick an ultimatum, tie the knot or set her free, he proposes a bizarre test to decide their destiny. Love Thaws a Frozen Heart by Valerie J. ClarizioCasey is hell bent on getting Noah to sign divorce papers. Hiding out at his camp, Noah is hell bent on not signing. Procuring a snowmobile, Casey sets out in a blinding snowstorm to find him. After crashing, she is near death when Noah finds her. Will a few cabin-bound days cause either of them to change their mind Lord of Ice by April MarcomJack Frost gave his heart to Lilly the day she was born, making her the perfect leverage for a fire spirit whose heart is set on becoming Lord of Ice. Frozen Moments by Nancy Pennick ('A Waiting For Dusk' story)Drew keeps proposing. Kate keeps saying no. It's their little game. Can the holiday season change that? Kate has lost her best friend, and Drew does his best to cheer her up in this delightful story of love and memories. Frozen In Time by Christina KirbyLizbeth travels the world as a freelance photographer and answers to no one. After her last relationship, that's exactly how she wants her life to be, easy and all her own. Jonas is staying at his family's cabin while he deals with the loss of a fellow fallen solider. He wants nothing more than to be left alone and to avoid Christmas. Neither plan on spending Christmas with a stranger or finding the person who's exactly what each other needs. Frozen With Possibilities by Rhonda BruttA resort on the shores of Lake Superior in the middle of December was not exactly what Tiffany had in mind for a mid-winter vacation. But when she agreed to accompany her progressive grandmother on this frozen trip, she discovered that life is filled with possibilities, if you only go after them. Frozen Heart Thawing by Nicole AngeleenIn the depths of winter, Thomas Everett grudgingly meets his betrothed, Nila Sarvani, the daugh

The Ice Hotel Wedding Test by Charmaine PaulsJess and Derrick have been together for twelve years. When Jess finally gives Derrick an ultimatum, tie the knot or set her free, he proposes a bizarre test to decide their destiny. Love Thaws a Frozen Heart by Valerie J. ClarizioCasey is hell bent on getting Noah to sign divorce papers. Hiding out at his camp, Noah is hell bent on not signing. Procuring a snowmobile, Casey sets out in a blinding snowstorm to find him. After crashing, she is near death when Noah finds her. Will a few cabin-bound days cause either of them to change their mind Lord of Ice by April MarcomJack Frost gave his heart to Lilly the day she was born, making her the perfect leverage for a fire spirit whose heart is set on becoming Lord of Ice. Frozen Moments by Nancy Pennick ('A Waiting For Dusk' story)Drew keeps proposing. Kate keeps saying no. It's their little game. Can the holiday season change that? Kate has lost her best friend, and Drew does his best to cheer her up in this delightful story of love and memories. Frozen In Time by Christina KirbyLizbeth travels the world as a freelance photographer and answers to no one. After her last relationship, that's exactly how she wants her life to be, easy and all her own. Jonas is staying at his family's cabin while he deals with the loss of a fellow fallen solider. He wants nothing more than to be left alone and to avoid Christmas. Neither plan on spending Christmas with a stranger or finding the person who's exactly what each other needs. Frozen With Possibilities by Rhonda BruttA resort on the shores of Lake Superior in the middle of December was not exactly what Tiffany had in mind for a mid-winter vacation. But when she agreed to accompany her progressive grandmother on this frozen trip, she discovered that life is filled with possibilities, if you only go after them. Frozen Heart Thawing by Nicole AngeleenIn the depths of winter, Thomas Everett grudgingly meets his betrothed, Nila Sarvani, the daugh

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