Red Wine by Scholium Project from California. We have sustained the excellent decision that we made in 2012 to base this wine on two Suisun Valley vineyards farmed by Steve Tenbrink. This year, we took a step to make the wine even more interesting: most of the wine is the result of cofermentation of Petite Sirah and Cabernet, not blending. There is also Hudson Syrah cofermented with the Suisun grapes. The final wine is about 50% Petite Sirah, 43% Cabernet, and 7% Syrah. The wine is more burly than the delicate 2011 and a little more muscular but also more layered and complex than the elegantly balanced 2012.

Red Wine by Scholium Project from California. We have sustained the excellent decision that we made in 2012 to base this wine on two Suisun Valley vineyards farmed by Steve Tenbrink. This year, we took a step to make the wine even more interesting: most of the wine is the result of cofermentation of Petite Sirah and Cabernet, not blending. There is also Hudson Syrah cofermented with the Suisun grapes. The final wine is about 50% Petite Sirah, 43% Cabernet, and 7% Syrah. The wine is more burly than the delicate 2011 and a little more muscular but also more layered and complex than the elegantly balanced 2012.

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