A graffiti mural for a Vietnamese interior feature wall, displaying a custom made neon sign on the raw brick wall compliments the mural setting with unique lighting. Furthermore, maintaining a grey-scale colour scheme relative to their interior and current fit-out. Allows for the artwork to sit on the feature wall and combine influences with the décor. The composition and balance of this piece remain well executed with the portrait sitting one third to the left and mountain ranges with water spanning the remaining of the wall.

A graffiti mural for a Vietnamese interior feature wall, displaying a custom made neon sign on the raw brick wall compliments the mural setting with unique lighting. Furthermore, maintaining a grey-scale colour scheme relative to their interior and current fit-out. Allows for the artwork to sit on the feature wall and combine influences with the décor. The composition and balance of this piece remain well executed with the portrait sitting one third to the left and mountain ranges with water spanning the remaining of the wall.

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