Bhirwandekar Sawant (Patel) Dhar Pawar has been proudly known in the society since time immemorial. The names Bhirwande and Sawant (Patel) also have a long history. As the awareness of pre-history begins to fade in the new age to come, today Sawant (Patel) Dhar Pawar has come together and established Dharpawar (Paramvanshiya) Sawant-Patel Utkarsh Mandal, Sindhudurg. visit us:

Bhirwandekar Sawant (Patel) Dhar Pawar has been proudly known in the society since time immemorial. The names Bhirwande and Sawant (Patel) also have a long history. As the awareness of pre-history begins to fade in the new age to come, today Sawant (Patel) Dhar Pawar has come together and established Dharpawar (Paramvanshiya) Sawant-Patel Utkarsh Mandal, Sindhudurg. visit us:

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