15 दिन में हारमोनियम सीखिए - Learn Harmonium in 15 Days
Harmonium instrument is a foreign instrument. When the British took over the reins of Indian rule, they brought musical instruments like piano, organ, harmonium and violin etc. with them. In a few days the harmonium instrument became so popular in India that its sound started to be heard in all places, from the royal palaces to the poor-cottage. In classical music too, it gained its place along with Sarangi. Today, this instrument has established its dominance in every court, television, radio station, recording company and film world.
Visit for Product: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/book/details/15-learn-harmonium-in-15-days-NZD244/
Instruments: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/book/PerformingArts/instruments/
Performing Arts: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/book/PerformingArts/
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