5 Ways in which Organizations Benefit from DevSecOps
Organizations are under constant pressure to speed up the delivery and innovation of new capabilities. As organizations continue to shift towards cloud and other similar services, there is an increase in the number of cyberattacks. 
Many companies have decided to adopt “DevSecOps” to help them increase cybersecurity, work efficiency and flexibility. It is not just about using specific tools but is investing in the practices and culture to deliver new features and stability. 
With the increasing number of vulnerabilities and security breaches, it makes sense for developers to focus more on the security of code. Besides this, organizations need automation to manage a complete set of multi-vendor devices in a multi-cloud infrastructure. There is no better time for organizations than now to start developing additional security. 
Here is where DevSecOps come into the play!
What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is the logical extension of DevOps to provide security to the application. It ensures the application or infrastructure is less vulnerable to cyberattacks. DevSecOps act as a defence system that draws an idea of protection and does all that is required to excel in defending against attacks. 
The objective of DevSecOps is to secure the application by redesigning the dev lifecycle to different aspects like – automation, data breach, collaboration etc. It involves applying security at different stages of the application development lifecycle. 
How organizations can benefit from DevSecOps?

In an environment where 70% of the software components of every application are reusable, it is essential to find a way to eliminate inherited vulnerabilities. It isn’t necessarily the only option for cybersecurity but is a methodology that helps improve security and prevent data loss. 
Here are ways in which organizations can benefit from DevSecOps -
1.	Spot Vulnerabilities

DevSecOps teams can reduce the time to detect and resolve open source issues. Developers get access to real-time analytics to spot the vulnerability & compliance issues before they cause serious data loss or damages the application. Instead of waiting for security at the end of development, DevSecOps allows to include it seamlessly within the developer’s workflow. 
2.	Complete Visibility

DevSecOps gives the system engineers a comprehensive view of the network infrastructure and the apps that run on it. One can easily identify incorrect configuration, expired certificate or change firewall settings etc to support the new application. Automation makes it easier to identify and diagnose the network infrastructure in minutes. 
3.	Multi-vendor Support

DevSecOps gives you a platform to integrate the workflows that support multi-vendor and multi-cloud ecosystem of technologies. DevSecOps automation gives an application-centric view of the infrastructure, even when the network is supported by different vendors. 
4.	Effective Resource Management

The dependencies during software development post a problem and shape the entire workflow. DevSecOps help developers avoid dependencies by providing details of risk at a very early stage. Eventually, the developers can search for better alternatives and design secured application from the start, rather than waiting until after a release. 
5.	Self-Service 

The need to update applications to add new features and functionalities gave rise to the development of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. However, the update of these applications requires changes to the supporting infrastructure, which is where bottlenecks happen. DevSecOps provide low-code or no-code capabilities – allowing the application owners to manage network elements in a user-friendly way. 
Wrapping Up!

As organizations are adopting mature DevOps into their app lifecycle, there is an increasing need for security. Especially when the application complexity is growing, vulnerabilities and cybersecurity has become a massive headache for developers. 
DevSecOps meet these challenges by breeding security at multiple layers of application or software development lifecycle. 
There are several other ways in which organizations can benefit from DevSecOps. If you are looking for help, we will be glad to help you! 
Contact cloudsupport1@amvionlabs.in / https://amvionlabs.com/reach-us/

5 Ways in which Organizations Benefit from DevSecOps
Organizations are under constant pressure to speed up the delivery and innovation of new capabilities. As organizations continue to shift towards cloud and other similar services, there is an increase in the number of cyberattacks.
Many companies have decided to adopt “DevSecOps” to help them increase cybersecurity, work efficiency and flexibility. It is not just about using specific tools but is investing in the practices and culture to deliver new features and stability.
With the increasing number of vulnerabilities and security breaches, it makes sense for developers to focus more on the security of code. Besides this, organizations need automation to manage a complete set of multi-vendor devices in a multi-cloud infrastructure. There is no better time for organizations than now to start developing additional security.
Here is where DevSecOps come into the play!
What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is the logical extension of DevOps to provide security to the application. It ensures the application or infrastructure is less vulnerable to cyberattacks. DevSecOps act as a defence system that draws an idea of protection and does all that is required to excel in defending against attacks.
The objective of DevSecOps is to secure the application by redesigning the dev lifecycle to different aspects like – automation, data breach, collaboration etc. It involves applying security at different stages of the application development lifecycle.
How organizations can benefit from DevSecOps?

In an environment where 70% of the software components of every application are reusable, it is essential to find a way to eliminate inherited vulnerabilities. It isn’t necessarily the only option for cybersecurity but is a methodology that helps improve security and prevent data loss.
Here are ways in which organizations can benefit from DevSecOps -
1. Spot Vulnerabilities

DevSecOps teams can reduce the time to detect and resolve open source issues. Developers get access to real-time analytics to spot the vulnerability & compliance issues before they cause serious data loss or damages the application. Instead of waiting for security at the end of development, DevSecOps allows to include it seamlessly within the developer’s workflow.
2. Complete Visibility

DevSecOps gives the system engineers a comprehensive view of the network infrastructure and the apps that run on it. One can easily identify incorrect configuration, expired certificate or change firewall settings etc to support the new application. Automation makes it easier to identify and diagnose the network infrastructure in minutes.
3. Multi-vendor Support

DevSecOps gives you a platform to integrate the workflows that support multi-vendor and multi-cloud ecosystem of technologies. DevSecOps automation gives an application-centric view of the infrastructure, even when the network is supported by different vendors.
4. Effective Resource Management

The dependencies during software development post a problem and shape the entire workflow. DevSecOps help developers avoid dependencies by providing details of risk at a very early stage. Eventually, the developers can search for better alternatives and design secured application from the start, rather than waiting until after a release.
5. Self-Service

The need to update applications to add new features and functionalities gave rise to the development of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. However, the update of these applications requires changes to the supporting infrastructure, which is where bottlenecks happen. DevSecOps provide low-code or no-code capabilities – allowing the application owners to manage network elements in a user-friendly way.
Wrapping Up!

As organizations are adopting mature DevOps into their app lifecycle, there is an increasing need for security. Especially when the application complexity is growing, vulnerabilities and cybersecurity has become a massive headache for developers.
DevSecOps meet these challenges by breeding security at multiple layers of application or software development lifecycle.
There are several other ways in which organizations can benefit from DevSecOps. If you are looking for help, we will be glad to help you!
Contact cloudsupport1@amvionlabs.in / https://amvionlabs.com/reach-us/

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