Ganesha Canvas Oil Painting Spreading Love
Perfect shades of vibrant colors and the sharp beauty of lord Ganesha, who stands in his nritya (dance) posture on a high pedestal decorated with lotus petals at the top and two multi-wick diyas of devotion on either side, majorly enhance picturesque aspects of this oil painting. The oval aureole bordered with full-grown multicolored flowers enhances the auspiciousness of this elephant god; garbed in heavenly colors of yellow dhoti, royal blue stole hung on his hands with the contrasting pink kamarband that falls in perfect pleats with the zaried antique borders; embellished in ancient yet modernly designed real jewels and the richly carved royal crown that glorifies on his head.
Ganesha Oil Painting:
Ganesha Painting:
Oil Paintings:
Hindu Art:
Indian Art:
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