A snack is really a small-bite or portion. It had not been that lengthy ago, whenever a snack meant eating a bit of fruit to carry you over before the next meal. Regrettably, today whenever we snack, unhealthy foods (food with little dietary benefit) is often the first option. Chips, cookies, crackers, chocolate, sugary drinks, as well as pretzels taste good and fill the stomach. These junk foods not just lack health-building nutrients they consist of trans fat, sugar, and white-colored flour.

A snack is really a small-bite or portion. It had not been that lengthy ago, whenever a snack meant eating a bit of fruit to carry you over before the next meal. Regrettably, today whenever we snack, unhealthy foods (food with little dietary benefit) is often the first option. Chips, cookies, crackers, chocolate, sugary drinks, as well as pretzels taste good and fill the stomach. These junk foods not just lack health-building nutrients they consist of trans fat, sugar, and white-colored flour.

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