Recently a statement came out from an Apple official which revolutionized the complete approach to making third-party IPHONE repair within Greensborough and Melbourne CBD. In that statement, Apple said that now genuine IPHONE spare parts are available for purchase. It was impossible before and required an official license issued by Apple to do so. With this news City Phones is happy to announce that now you can get your IPHONE repair service on the same day if your IPHONE breaks in unfortunate circumstances. You can avail of this premium service at our stores located in Greensborough and Melbourne CBD.

Recently a statement came out from an Apple official which revolutionized the complete approach to making third-party IPHONE repair within Greensborough and Melbourne CBD. In that statement, Apple said that now genuine IPHONE spare parts are available for purchase. It was impossible before and required an official license issued by Apple to do so. With this news City Phones is happy to announce that now you can get your IPHONE repair service on the same day if your IPHONE breaks in unfortunate circumstances. You can avail of this premium service at our stores located in Greensborough and Melbourne CBD.

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