Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose and treat injuries and abnormalities within the joints. This procedure is commonly used to confirm a diagnosis made by physical examination and imaging techniques.

It can also be used to treat conditions within the joints. While ankle surgery once required an invasive open procedure that left patients with long hospital stays and recovery times, many of those procedures can now be performed with the simpler, less invasive ankle arthroscopy.

A person walking with pain in the ankle may need an ankle arthroscopy procedure.

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose and treat injuries and abnormalities within the joints. This procedure is commonly used to confirm a diagnosis made by physical examination and imaging techniques.

It can also be used to treat conditions within the joints. While ankle surgery once required an invasive open procedure that left patients with long hospital stays and recovery times, many of those procedures can now be performed with the simpler, less invasive ankle arthroscopy.

A person walking with pain in the ankle may need an ankle arthroscopy procedure.

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