Case reports and case series are uncontrolled study designs with a high risk of bias, yet they have had a significant impact on medical literature and continue to expand our understanding. We offer essential points and applications of evidence gathered from case reports and case series in this blog. We suggest assessing the methodological quality of  scientific case reports and case series using the areas of selection, ascertainment, causation, and reporting, as well as providing signalling questions and systematic reviewers.

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Case reports and case series are uncontrolled study designs with a high risk of bias, yet they have had a significant impact on medical literature and continue to expand our understanding. We offer essential points and applications of evidence gathered from case reports and case series in this blog. We suggest assessing the methodological quality of scientific case reports and case series using the areas of selection, ascertainment, causation, and reporting, as well as providing signalling questions and systematic reviewers.

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