First things first, before applying ANY makeup product, you have to wash your face with a mild face wash like ‘Colorbar’s HEMP + Vitamin C Restoring & Balancing Foaming Face Wash'. Your next step would be to moisturize your face. For moisturizer, you can use ‘Anti-Acne Moisturiser'. Use your preferred skincare products, including a toner and a mild cleanser, depending on the type of skin you have. A clean and well-hydrated skin makes a flawless surface for applying foundation.

First things first, before applying ANY makeup product, you have to wash your face with a mild face wash like ‘Colorbar’s HEMP + Vitamin C Restoring & Balancing Foaming Face Wash'. Your next step would be to moisturize your face. For moisturizer, you can use ‘Anti-Acne Moisturiser'. Use your preferred skincare products, including a toner and a mild cleanser, depending on the type of skin you have. A clean and well-hydrated skin makes a flawless surface for applying foundation.

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