Where to Place a Runner Rug?

One type of rug that is sometimes disregarded when seeking to buy one for your house is the runner rug. With all the advantages of bringing a rug to a place without taking up a lot of room, a runner is a long, narrow rug. In addition to serving the utilitarian function of safeguarding your floors, a well-placed runner rug may give the small areas in your house more depth and flair. It's not just the hallway, though, that might need longer rugs. Interested in learning more? Follow the link to read more here.

Where to Place a Runner Rug?

One type of rug that is sometimes disregarded when seeking to buy one for your house is the runner rug. With all the advantages of bringing a rug to a place without taking up a lot of room, a runner is a long, narrow rug. In addition to serving the utilitarian function of safeguarding your floors, a well-placed runner rug may give the small areas in your house more depth and flair. It's not just the hallway, though, that might need longer rugs. Interested in learning more? Follow the link to read more here.

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