Emerald Pet Feline Dental Treats are the healthy grain-free dental solution your cat will love! These all-natural and nutritious crunchy treats are irresistible to cats. Discerning pet owners will love that theyre grain-free, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and made in the USA with US ingredients. Whimsical fish-shaped treats are big enough to encourage chewing versus just swallowing for maximum dental health. With innovative ingredients used to fight plaque and tartar, these delicious treats are rewarding for cats and their parents.

Emerald Pet Feline Dental Treats are the healthy grain-free dental solution your cat will love! These all-natural and nutritious crunchy treats are irresistible to cats. Discerning pet owners will love that theyre grain-free, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and made in the USA with US ingredients. Whimsical fish-shaped treats are big enough to encourage chewing versus just swallowing for maximum dental health. With innovative ingredients used to fight plaque and tartar, these delicious treats are rewarding for cats and their parents.

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