Because the liver is an organ necessary for digestion, nutrition storage, and detoxification, fat accumulation in the liver can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. With its all-encompassing method, Ayurveda provides efficient therapies and lifestyle modifications to control and even reverse fatty liver disease. It connects the illness to an imbalance between the Pitta and Kapha doshas. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and legumes—and low in heavy, fatty foods—is part of the treatment plan for Kapha pacification. Crucial are herbal medicines such as guduchi and turmeric, panchakarma cleansing, regular exercise, yoga, stress reduction, and enough sleep. A consultation with an Ayurvedic physician guarantees individualized treatment.

Because the liver is an organ necessary for digestion, nutrition storage, and detoxification, fat accumulation in the liver can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. With its all-encompassing method, Ayurveda provides efficient therapies and lifestyle modifications to control and even reverse fatty liver disease. It connects the illness to an imbalance between the Pitta and Kapha doshas. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and legumes—and low in heavy, fatty foods—is part of the treatment plan for Kapha pacification. Crucial are herbal medicines such as guduchi and turmeric, panchakarma cleansing, regular exercise, yoga, stress reduction, and enough sleep. A consultation with an Ayurvedic physician guarantees individualized treatment.

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