Choose a Reliable Taxi Service: Research and select a reputable taxi company with positive reviews and experience in handling event transportation.

Book in Advance: Make your reservation early to ensure availability, especially during peak times like the Henley Regatta.

Confirm Details: Verify your pick-up location, time, and destination to avoid any last-minute confusion or delays.

Prepare Payment: Confirm the payment method and any additional costs, such as waiting charges or special requests, ahead of time.

Choose a Reliable Taxi Service: Research and select a reputable taxi company with positive reviews and experience in handling event transportation.

Book in Advance: Make your reservation early to ensure availability, especially during peak times like the Henley Regatta.

Confirm Details: Verify your pick-up location, time, and destination to avoid any last-minute confusion or delays.

Prepare Payment: Confirm the payment method and any additional costs, such as waiting charges or special requests, ahead of time.

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