Introducing the latest marvel in the Perfect Grade series - the Strike Freedom Gundam! This masterpiece is not only the largest PG kit to date but also a showcase of Bandai's unparalleled engineering and design prowess. With its expandable Super Dragoons, the Strike Freedom Gundam brings an unmatched level of detail and complexity to your collection. Crafted using entirely new molds, every piece of this kit, from the intricate joints to the armor showcasing the gold frame parts, has been meticulously designed for an exceptional building experience. Bandai has innovated with new, more robust joints to ensure the model's stability once assembled. This kit comes packed with an array of weapons and accessories, including the Beam Shield, two Beam Rifles, two Railguns, eight Super Dragoons, a display base, and an LED unit for the head, not to mention the extensive markings designed by Katoki Hajime. Ready to take on the challenge?

Introducing the latest marvel in the Perfect Grade series - the Strike Freedom Gundam! This masterpiece is not only the largest PG kit to date but also a showcase of Bandai's unparalleled engineering and design prowess. With its expandable Super Dragoons, the Strike Freedom Gundam brings an unmatched level of detail and complexity to your collection. Crafted using entirely new molds, every piece of this kit, from the intricate joints to the armor showcasing the gold frame parts, has been meticulously designed for an exceptional building experience. Bandai has innovated with new, more robust joints to ensure the model's stability once assembled. This kit comes packed with an array of weapons and accessories, including the Beam Shield, two Beam Rifles, two Railguns, eight Super Dragoons, a display base, and an LED unit for the head, not to mention the extensive markings designed by Katoki Hajime. Ready to take on the challenge?

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