The Everlasting Temptation of Kyanite Jewelry
Uniqueness, imperishability, and attractiveness are the main aspects that distinguish a jewel, mineral, or organic element as a gemstone. Intense heat and coercion cause rocks to crystallize with minerals because of volcanic activity, erosion, transportation, burial, and melting. These crystallized minerals are regarded as gemstones. All minerals follow a natural construction process to form a gemstone. In this blog, we will discuss one of the gemstones, Kyanite. Kyanite is formed when sedimentary rocks undergo a metamorphosis mm, resulting in high-pressure changes to the clay minerals. The natural chemical properties of Kyanite gemstones are that they are a composite of Andalusite and Sillimanite. So, let us know more about this lovely stone that is nowadays preferred for use as Kyanite jewelry.