Tranquil Strength: Harnessing its Healing Properties and Benefits of Blue Tiger Eye

The following stage in shaping this assortment of Tiger's Eye is the course of modification. The stone is presented to liquids containing silicon and iron during modification. These liquids replace the asbestos filaments in the Crocidolite with silicon and iron, making the gemstone's one-of-a-kind chatoyancy, or "feline's eye" impact. The silicon and iron additionally give Blue Tiger Eye its trademark fantastic blue/dark/brilliant earthy colored tone.

Tranquil Strength: Harnessing its Healing Properties and Benefits of Blue Tiger Eye

The following stage in shaping this assortment of Tiger's Eye is the course of modification. The stone is presented to liquids containing silicon and iron during modification. These liquids replace the asbestos filaments in the Crocidolite with silicon and iron, making the gemstone's one-of-a-kind chatoyancy, or "feline's eye" impact. The silicon and iron additionally give Blue Tiger Eye its trademark fantastic blue/dark/brilliant earthy colored tone.

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