Peridot is a charming gemstone known for its dynamic green tint, which goes from light yellow-green to profound olive. Frequently alluded to as the "jewel of the sun," Peridot has a special beginning, framing profound inside the World's mantle and at times conveyed to the surface by volcanic action or shooting stars. Its hypnotizing variety comes from the presence of iron in its creation, making it one of only a handful of exceptional gemstones found in a solitary variety range. By and large, Peridot has been cherished for its magnificence and accepted to convey defensive and mending properties. Antiquated Egyptians considered it the "pearl of the sun" and utilized it to avert detestable spirits. Today, Peridot is related with flourishing, favorable luck, and reestablishment. As the birthstone for August, it stays a famous decision for gems, representing warmth, satisfaction, and the lively energy of summer. Its normal splendor makes it an immortal fortune.