The recorded use of garnets and garnet jewelry can be traced back to the Bronze Age, specifically between 3300 BC and 1200 BC. At this time, this January birthstone was used in different abrasives and burials, and you can even find historical records stating different kings, queens, and royalty wearing garnet jewelry. Also, nobles of those times wore garnets as talismans and amulets in order to protect themselves while traveling – they believed that any garnet jewelry, be it a pendant or bracelet, would bring illumination and protection from divine forces.

The recorded use of garnets and garnet jewelry can be traced back to the Bronze Age, specifically between 3300 BC and 1200 BC. At this time, this January birthstone was used in different abrasives and burials, and you can even find historical records stating different kings, queens, and royalty wearing garnet jewelry. Also, nobles of those times wore garnets as talismans and amulets in order to protect themselves while traveling – they believed that any garnet jewelry, be it a pendant or bracelet, would bring illumination and protection from divine forces.

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