Vardenafil is the generic name for Levitra, and it is a popular medication for ED. They belong to a class of drugs called PDE or phosphodiesterase inhibitors, which relax the muscles in the blood vessels and help increase the blood flow going to the penis. However, Levitra Vardenafil will only work if you are sexually stimulated or aroused. It is also important to note that the medication will not increase your sexual desire and should not be used to prevent STDs or sexually transmitted diseases.

Vardenafil is the generic name for Levitra, and it is a popular medication for ED. They belong to a class of drugs called PDE or phosphodiesterase inhibitors, which relax the muscles in the blood vessels and help increase the blood flow going to the penis. However, Levitra Vardenafil will only work if you are sexually stimulated or aroused. It is also important to note that the medication will not increase your sexual desire and should not be used to prevent STDs or sexually transmitted diseases.

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