Yantram Architectural Design Studio Cover

Yantram Architectural Design Studio

YANTRAM STUDIO, flourished out as a Global Brand in the world of Imagination and designing. Our Studio strongly represent our decade old arduous journey to become a top class renowned brand for 3D designing, an envy to every studio in the CGI world. Since 2004 At YantramStudio, we proudly offer 3D Architectural (Exterior, Floor Plan - Interactive 3D Floor Plan , Rendering Images Walkthrough Animation) 3D Interior Design , Virtual Reality Application Development (Interactive Virtual Tour), Augmented Reality Apps Development , Corporate Animated Video Production , Movie and Game Character Modeling and Animation, 360 Degree Panoramic Tour and Product Modeling & Animation. We takes pride in offering the highest quality of Architectural / Entertainment Industry. We integrated Latest touch screen Technology like Wearable Device, Google Cardboard, Oculus and Hand Tracking Services for 3D Game Design Technology.

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