Tony Calo's journey in the construction industry began during his childhood, inspired by his father, who founded a trucking company in 1957. Growing up, Tony spent countless hours accompanying his father on construction jobs across Detroit, fueling his passion for the industry. In 1993, Tony took the first step toward his entrepreneurial dream by purchasing his own truck and establishing Calo & Sons Construction. Since then, he has become a prominent leader and employer in the Detroit area. Tony expanded his operations by founding In-N-Out Topsoil In 2010. This venture allowed him to accept large quantities of unscreened material, which he then recycled and screened to produce clean topsoil for his customers. This innovative process not only provided cost savings for his clients but also contributed to environmental sustainability. Recognizing the growing need for concrete recycling, Tony launched Kraken Crushed Concrete & Recycling in 2011. This facility offers a convenient location for disposing of broken concrete, asphalt, and other materials. These materials are crushed and repurposed, serving as essential resources for various companies, homeowners, cities, and the State of Michigan, ultimately supporting the development of a more robust infrastructure. Calo & Sons Construction, along with its associated companies, is committed to quality, innovation, and environmental stewardship. Through these ventures, Tony Calo continues to uphold his family’s legacy of excellence in the construction industry, leading the way in sustainable practices and community development.